I once asked a friend, whose writings flow so effortlessly like cotton candy swirling around its stick, on her take to a good, interesting piece. Her answer is: write something that is close to your heart. And don't be too hard-up for BIG words. Keep the sentence structures simple for a start, but as you gradually identify your style, start to experiment and play with the many punctuations. Learn how each punctuation can be manipulated in order to get the desired effect in your composition.
That does NOT sound so bad, does it???
Truth be told, I find the first requisite to be the hardest. When I write, I want to maintain a certain level of objectivity and I can't seem to find this equilibrium when it comes to most matters that are close to my heart. The emotions start to run wild and everything becomes a bit too much: too much anger or too much love, too much sugar, salt or chilli. I'm like a hopeful chef dreaming of concocting the gobsmacking killer recipe with the right kind of balance and achieving "God" or "Goddess" status to the likes of Jamie Oliver, Anthony Bourdain, Nigella Lawson (seriously, she makes it look so easy to be sexy in the kitchen. I'm convinced it's not possible to imitate in real life. I tried. Didn't get the result I had hoped for. The chocolate sauce and honey jars were left intact and BEM was all the time in the living room, on his throne, eyes glued to the idiotbox. Heh).
Anyway, where were we? Yes, my objectivity...
Let's see how it'll progress. I intend to be more disciplined this time round and perhaps get my hands dirty with fiction. I will learn to take my time and hopefully the story will unfold itself. I need some inspirations.
Something completely random..."I never wish to be somebody else. I only wish to have their shoes".
Sah! Kes Najib Razak Cacat
2 months ago
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