As I look through the glass window, I can see the clouds gathering, forming gigantic blurring ripples across the sky. A sure sign of impending heavy burst. The weather today reminds me of those gloomy autumn season when I was in London. Aahhh... how time flies.
Autumn never failed to invoke the melancholy in me. One autumn evening, even as I weaved my way passed the street performers and the flocking tourists in Covent Garden, I couldn't help but felt disconnected from the rest of the world. It's as if I was invinsible and my presence was as good as the wind gushing against those flushed pink cheeks and golden brown hair. The string quartet playing in the background provided perfect halwa for my ears. It's like a befitting theme song for whatever I was feeling inside; emptiness, sorrow, guilt and anger all moulded into one.
There was a scar in my heart and I think it will remain there possibly forever.
I learned to grow up in this city, thousand of miles away from home.
Sah! Kes Najib Razak Cacat
2 months ago
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