I love being a mother. It’s the most rewarding job I’ve had so far. Of course, I’m using the term “job” very loosely here. Motherhood is not a really a job. It’s more than that. It’s my life!
During her early days, I always felt like it would be ages before I could see this little being take her first steps. And suddenly, she’s started walking and uttering one and two syllables words. Where did all the months go? Time seems to fly by without me noticing it. Now, I start fearing the day when she’d stop needing me the way she needs me now. Now I know what my parents mean when they say I’ll always be their baby, never mind the fact that I’m already in my mid-thirties. I can never stop being her mother. I’ll continue worrying about her even if she says she’s all grown up and that she’s doing fine on her own.
Ahh...Motherhood. It’s bittersweet I’m telling you.
Sah! Kes Najib Razak Cacat
2 months ago
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